Cynthia Smith
We're thrilled to continue our Employee Spotlight Series by showcasing the dedication and heart of Cynthia Smith from CAO's DART (DART stands for Drug Abuse Research and Treatment). Joining as a Nursing Supervisor in 1998, Cynthia has become a cornerstone of our community. Her key role ensures the accurate administration of medications in adherence to Department of Health standards and is crucial in our daily fight against substance misuse at this methadone clinic.
Cynthia's narrative extends beyond professional duties. It's the small moments—offering a kind word or being a listening ear—that resonate with the essence of our mission at DART. Her personal interactions with individuals have often been a beacon of hope, portraying a genuine care and understanding towards those on their recovery journey.
One poignant memory Cynthia shared involved a patient entrusting her with personal journals, illustrating the real challenges faced in battling addiction. This experience reinforced her resolve to never give up on anyone, further fostering a culture of empathy and support within DART.
Her advice for those considering a career in drug treatment is to maintain an open mind, free from stereotypes, and to be ready to listen, learn, and serve. It's a realm where life’s invaluable lessons come unexpectedly, enriching both personal and professional growth.